Outdoor Kitchens Contractor Serving in San Francisco Bay Area
In the San Francisco Bay area, our mild weather allows for a lot of time spent outdoors. Increasingly, it’s becoming commonplace to perform indoor activities outdoors. Even cooking. Not just ordinary grilling, but even more enhanced cooking methods. What are the benefits of outdoor kitchens?
Enhance your outdoor living experience
While enjoying the magnificent Bay Area weather in your backyard, wouldn’t be nice to be able to relax with friends and family on a luxurious patio with your own custom-made outdoor kitchen? Outdoor kitchens are a relatively recent trend in hardscaping, and it looks like they’re here to stay.
Enjoy your home to the fullest
In order to fully enjoy your home, it’s imperative to take advantage of outdoor space. The outdoors is as important as the indoors when it comes to making the most of your home, but often people let their outdoor spaces remain underutilized. Don’t make this mistake with your home. Take advantage of all of your space by creating outdoor areas worth enjoying. An outdoor kitchen is an excellent way to use your home to the fullest.
Entice your guests with detail and charm
When you invite the neighbors over for a cookout, they may be expecting a simple set up with a grill. When you have a full outdoor kitchen, you’re bound to impress your guests. Envision your perfect outdoor kitchen and let us create it for you.
How to create an outdoor kitchen
Hire experienced and creative professionals to help you build an outdoor kitchen that you can love. Enhance your outdoor living experience. We can help you manifest your inner creativity and then you can relax and let us do the work. When you’re ready to make your dream outdoor kitchen come to life, let us know. We’re just a phone call away.
Outdoor Kitchens FAQ’s
Do outdoor kitchens add value?
- Investing in outdoor kitchens allow you spend quality time with friends and family. Whether you want to a morning coffee or a gathering around for a family barbecue, outdoor kitchens add a great value to your home. If you live in the San Francisco Bay area, the mild weather conditions offer you and your family to enjoy more of your outdoor and spend some more time outside.
How big should an outdoor kitchen be?
- Outdoor kitchen complements the architectural aesthetics and home environment in a beautiful way. All you need is to have a fully-thoughtful approach to create a welcoming and functional outdoor living space. For designing an outdoor kitchen, you should consider small (10 linear feet) for including a grill, a sink, a cook-top and storage. For medium size (16 linear feet), you can add a refrigerator. If you prefer a large size (over 20 linear feet), your outdoor kitchen have all the amenities and accommodate different looks. Understand your needs and know how big your outdoor kitchen should be for your ultimate needs.
Do I need permit for outdoor kitchen?
- Planning to invest in outdoor kitchen? It’s a good decision and you should go for it. Beforehand, you should check for zone requirements to make sure that your outdoor kitchen is present at a legal distance from property lines. Again, if you want to add plumbing (running water), electricity, drainage or an enclosed roof area, you may require the Building and/or Resource Consent. Feel free to contact your local landscaping contractor before you start.